What happened to Matt Podolak?

An upcoming episode of Dateline: Secrets Uncovered is scheduled to revisit Matt Podolak's death due to antifreeze poisoning, which was slowly fed to him by his ex-fiance and, now a convicted murderer, Holly McFeeture. The episode titled Manner of Death will air on Wednesday, November 23, 2022, at 8:00 pm ET on Oxygen. The episode's

An upcoming episode of Dateline: Secrets Uncovered is scheduled to revisit Matt Podolak's death due to antifreeze poisoning, which was slowly fed to him by his ex-fiance and, now a convicted murderer, Holly McFeeture. The episode titled Manner of Death will air on Wednesday, November 23, 2022, at 8:00 pm ET on Oxygen. The episode's synopsis states:

"It was a mystery from day one: A young father's life cut short and how Matt Podolak died was puzzling. The word poison kept coming up. Matt's brother would embark on a long quest for the truth."

Podolak, a father of two, died under mysterious circumstances in July 2006. An autopsy determined his cause of death as chronic intoxication of ethylene glycol, a chemical found in antifreeze.

After an unexpected tip from a source, six years later, in 2012, McFeeture, Podolak's live-in fiance at the time of his death, was indicted on charges of murder. It was alleged that she consistently poisoned him by spiking his iced tea with antifreeze. A jury found her guilty and she was given a life sentence after her trial.

Here's more to know about Matt Podolak's 2006 murder.

Matt Podolak's health started to deteriorate since 2006 spring

On July 31, 2006, Matt Podolak, a praised hockey player, and fishing enthusiast, was rushed to an Ohio emergency room after his health mysteriously started to fail. Podolak, who used to be a fit hockey player, had been complaining about his health and flank pain in the lower back since the spring of that year. He'd even seen a doctor who diagnosed him with kidney stones.

The hospital's doctors discovered that Podolak's kidneys were failing rapidly. They initially thought that Podolak must have ingested dangerous amounts of methanol or antifreeze after they discovered that he had metabolic acidosis, indicating that his blood was extremely acidic. Although respiratory problems are a common cause of metabolic acidosis, ethylene glycol was the culprit in his case.

After Matt Podolak was declared dead that day at Parma Community General Hospital with what appeared to be an odd drug in his system, doctors speculated that he may have been exposed to the chemical at work. An autopsy later revealed that Podolak had been poisoned with ethylene glycol- a common chemical found in antifreeze.

Matt Podolak's then-fiance was suspected of poisoning him consistently for months, causing his health to fail

In the days that followed Matt Podolak's death, his fiance at the time, Holly McFeeture, started acting weirdly. She also told some that Matt had breathing issues and was in pain from playing hockey while telling others that he may have committed suicide, been poisoned by a worker, or been exposed to a harmful substance at work.

According to forensic pathologist Dr. Galita, who performed the autopsy, McFeeture started poisoning Podolak in the spring of 2006 by spiking his iced tea with antifreeze. Podolak unknowingly ingested the substance, which was absorbed into his blood and liver. It was determined that Podolak died as a result of chronic ethylene glycol poisoning that occurred over a three-month period.

In 2008, McFeeture began dating another man, Jamison Kennedy, who eventually confessed that she admitted to putting something in Matt Podolak's drinks, which caused him to become ill and eventually killed him. Kennedy claimed that the two were drinking when she became emotional and claimed, "she put something in his drinks and she wanted to stop but his kidneys were already failing."

However, the manner of death remained "undetermined" for two more years and in 2010, it was officially changed to "homicide." McFeeture was charged with aggravated murder and contamination of a substance for human consumption in July 2012. She pleaded not guilty and was tried in court. A jury convicted her of the charges and sentenced her to life in prison for the murder of Matt Podolak.

Dateline: Secrets Uncovered airs on Wednesday, November 23, with a new episode.

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