Ralph Fiennes
Previous Anderson Films: First-timer
Who He's Playing: Gustave H, esteemed concierge of the Grand Budapest Hotel. A womanizer, murder suspect, owner of the priceless Renaissance painting "Boy With Apple."
Tilda Swinton
Previous Anderson Films: Moonrise Kingdom
Who She's Playing: Madame D, the elderly lady that Gustave romanced enough to crack her heart and weasel his way into her last will and testament. Yes, that's Tilda Swinton caked under pounds of old-lady makeup.
Tony Revolori
Previous Anderson Films: First-timer
Who He's Playing: Zero Moustafa, a lobby boy and Gustave's loyal number two. At one point, we see Zero and Gustave sailing down the mountain side, fleeing the police. This kid is a devout follower.
Saoirse Ronan
Previous Anderson Films: First-timer
Who She's Playing: Agatha, the love of Zero Moustafa's life, who has some sort of wild birthmark/spot on her face (it appears to be shaped like Mexico). That doesn't stop the lobby boy from seizing the moment in a movie theater.
Adrien Brody
Previous Anderson Films: The Darjeeling Limited
Who He's Playing: Dmitri, the deceased Madame D's son. He's more than a little angry to hear his mother's prized painting "Boy With Apple" is going to a complete stranger. With a vendetta, Dmitri is shaping up to be the "villain" of Grand Budapest Hotel.
Willem Dafoe
Previous Anderson Films: The Life Aquatic, Fantastic Mr. Fox
Who He's Playing: Jopling, Dmitri's muscle. He sports some skull-embossed brass knuckles that reek of dastardly behavior.
Bill Murray
Previous Anderson Films: Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic, The Darjeeling Limited, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Moonrise Kingdom
Who He's Playing: M. Ivan, a desk clerk at a hotel — but not the Grand Budapest? The staff of that hotel wears bright purple, while Murray's character wears brown. He also arrives through the snow in a "Hotel Excelsior Palace" car. Ivan is the competition.
Edward Norton
Previous Anderson Films: Moonrise Kingdom
Who He's Playing: Henckels, the captain of a police squad. Resuming his position as a by-the-books leader from Moonrise Kingdom, Norton once dishes out orders in pursuit of a fleeing … Gustave?
Harvey Keitel
Previous Anderson Films: Moonrise Kingdom
Who He's Playing: Ludwig, a bald prisoner with an assortment of cartoonish tattoos. When Gustave is imprisoned (wrongfully?) he teams up with Ludwig to mount an escape.
Jeff Goldblum
Previous Anderson Films: The Life Aquatic
Who He's Playing: Kovacs, the conservator of Madame D's inheritance who names Gustave H as the rightful owner of the painting. He's looking a little Freud here.
Jude Law
Previous Anderson Films: First-timer
Who He's Playing: Young Writer, See: Tom Wilkinson. Grand Budapest Hotel spans three different generations (each individualized with varying aspect ratios). If Wilkinson plays "Author," Law may be the silent observer of this entire affair.
Jason Schwartzman
Previous Anderson Films: Rushmore, The Darjeeling Limited, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Moonrise Kingdom
Who He's Playing: M. Jean, a moping key master who sits in a room with the "Boy With Apple" painting. He's featured in widescreen, a sign that he might be from a late generation of Grand Budapest Hotel workers (and have a small role).
F. Murray Abraham
Previous Anderson Films: First-timer
Who He's Playing: Mr. Moustafa, who appears to be a patron of the the hotel. Or perhaps he's the connective tissue between Grand Budapest and Inside Llewyn Davis. There are worse crackpot theories.
Mathieu Amalric
Previous Anderson Films: First-timer
Who He's Playing: Serge, whose crazy eyes are giving us the willies. While we wonder if he might be responsible for the murder at the center of the story, he is a man of the cloth, as evidenced by his rosary beads. He might just be a wily priest.
Tom Wilkinson
Previous Anderson Films: First-timer
Who He's Playing: Author, See: Jude Law, the potential writer of the Grand Budapest Hotel saga. We don't see him elsewhere in the trailer, and we see him in widescreen, meaning he's historically detached from the main action.
Owen Wilson
Previous Anderson Films: Bottle Rocket, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic, The Darjeeling Limited, Fantastic Mr. Fox
Who He's Playing: M. Chuck, who looks a bit dressier than the rest of the Grand Budapest Hotel crew. The hotelier, perhaps?
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