Justin Bieber Suffering From Sudden Paralysis, Shows Canceled

Sudden facial paralysis has caused Justin Bieber to cancel tour performances for the second time this year. By Nathan Kamal | Published 2 years ago Pop star Justin Bieber has abruptly canceled three shows on his ongoing Justice World Tour, revealing that he is suffering from paralysis due to Ramsay Hunt syndrome. In a short

Sudden facial paralysis has caused Justin Bieber to cancel tour performances for the second time this year.

By Nathan Kamal | Published 2 years ago

Pop star Justin Bieber has abruptly canceled three shows on his ongoing Justice World Tour, revealing that he is suffering from paralysis due to Ramsay Hunt syndrome. In a short video posted to his verified Instagram account, Bieber addressed his fans and said that he was experiencing facial paralysis due to the syndrome. During the course of the video, it appeared one of his eyes was unable to blink and he described himself as “physically, obviously, not capable” of performing in his condition. Here is Justin Bieber’s Instagram video:

During the nearly three-minute video, Justin Bieber briefly describes Ramsay Hunt syndrome as deriving from a virus and that the symptoms of the paralysis would be temporary, though he stated that his doctors did not know how long they would affect him. He also apologized to his fans for being unable to perform (stating it was what he was “born to do”) and affirmed his belief in his Christian faith and that God would assist him in his medical issues. 

The paralysis affecting Justin Bieber is a symptom of Ramsay Hunt syndrome. As described by the Mayo Clinic, Ramsay Hunter syndrome (also known as herpes zoster oticus) is an effect of a shingles outbreak near the ears, which can cause a facial nerve to be attacked. While it can also cause temporary deafness, it is not known if Justin Bieber is currently experiencing that effect. Herpes zoster is the strain of virus known as shingles; it occurs when the strain of herpes referred to as chickenpox lies dormant and then reactivates, commonly in adulthood. Both Ramsay Hunt syndrome and shingles most often occur in adults above the age of 60, though it is not unknown for it to be activated by stress in younger people (which the 28-year-old Justin Bieber probably experiences as one of the most famous pop stars in the world). 

Justin Bieber took care to stress that the effects of Ramsay Hunt syndrome were temporary, there can be long-term effects. They most commonly occur in untreated bouts of the virus, so hopefully, Justin Bieber and his medical team identified the issue as quickly as possible. The singer also referred to rest and treatment several times in the video; while it is likely that he is trying to get back on tour to support his Changes, Justice, and Freedom album as quickly as possible, it is sensible that he treats his paralysis with the care it deserves. 

This is not the only time recently that Justin Bieber has had to cancel tour dates due to physical illness. In February of this year, the singer had to cancel several performances in Las Vegas due to what was described as a “mild” case of Covid-19. While many fans were vocally upset and disappointed in his cancelations, hopefully, audiences understand the potential severity of both of these conditions. In addition, his wife  Hailey Bieber experienced a “mini-stroke” in March due to a blood clot that required surgery. We wish Justin and Hailey Bieber both a speedy recovery for their health.

