How fast is the Flash? His speed in the comics, DCEU and CW

Flash is a fictional character with superpowers created by DC Comics. He is known as one of the fastest superheroes in the world. Although the Scarlet Speedster can run fast, many fans are curious about his top speed. How fast is the Flash?

Flash is a fictional character with superpowers created by DC Comics. He is known as one of the fastest superheroes in the world. Although the Scarlet Speedster can run fast, many fans are curious about his top speed. How fast is the Flash?

The question of which superhero is faster has been around in DC Comics for a long. The Flash has been pitted against Superman since Superman's Race with the Flash in 1967. The superhero's speed has remained a mystery, although various Flash speed calculations have been done. Here is an analysis of Flash's speed in the comics, DCEU and CW.

How fast is the Flash?

The short answer to this question can be complicated as different characters have donned the scarlet and gold uniform over the years. They include Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Wally West, and Bart Allen.

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The Flash gets his powers from the Speed Force and can run infinitely fast. This force is a cosmic, extradimensional energy source transcending time and space. With the right dose of motivation, he can push his limits to speeds humans cannot comprehend.

Although other fast superheroes exist, they derive their pace from other places. For example, Superman draws his powers from the yellow sun, while Wonder Woman draws her abilities from the pantheon gods. To find out how fast the Flash is, here is a look at his speed in the comics, DCEU and CW.

How fast is the Flash in the comics?

Barry Allen created The Speed Force in the DC comics, where all the other Flash characters draw their power. The Flash in comics can run so fast that he generates a multiverse of power in all time and dimensions. Allen does not beat the speed of light, however, as his top pace is 186,000 miles per second.

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Besides Barry Allen, Wally West, aka Kid Flash, is another member of The Flash cast in the pages of DC Comics. West reigns supreme when it comes to the fastest pace.

Wally West saves a city's population from a nuclear explosion in JLA (1997) #89. The superhero saves 250,000 people 13 miles away in less than a second. He was running at 13 trillion times the speed of light.

How fast is the Flash in DCEU?

Ezra Miller brought Barry Allen to movie theatres. He appeared in 2017's Justice League and The Flash movie. The character has incredible pace and ability to travel through space and time with the Speed Force.

Allen is the fastest superhero in the DCU, although other villains appear faster initially. How fast can Flash go? Looking at his pace in Justice League, he outran Superman at Mach 28 (21,483.5 mph) against Mach 27.5 (21,099.9 mph). However, the speed Barry Allen achieved in the 2023 movie The Flash is yet to be known. This means that the DCU Flash is the slowest Flash character.

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How fast is CW Flash?

The Flash on CW has been the most successful adaptation of the Scarlet Speedsters' life. Barry Allen got his abilities after getting struck by a bolt of lightning while working in the crime lab of the Central City Police Department. He acquired superhero pace and incredible thinking speed, among other powers.

The superhero has built up his abilities, including how fast he can run, steadily since 2014. In season 1, episode 1, Barry outran an F5 tornado generated by the brother of Weather Wizard, Clyde Mardon. Here, Allen almost reached the speed of sound.

Five weeks later, in an episode titled The Flash Is Born, he reached Mach 1.1 (844 mph). By the end of that season, Allen had reached the speed of 2 Mach (1535 mph) when he time-travelled through S.T.A.R. Labs.

In season 2, episode 18, Versus Zoom, he reaches a top speed of Mach 13 (9,974.5 miles). Although this hypersonic pace is impressive, it is slower than the human's fastest speed. According to the Guinness World Records, the Apollo 10 crew re-entered Earth at 24,816 mph in 1969.

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In season 4, episode 12, Allen had acquired a faster pace. He covered the 7,480 miles between Central City at Mach 155,096 (119 million mph). That's faster than the Apollo 10 crew's speed.

In season 6, episode 1, titled Into the Void. Barry sprints Mach 874,031 (670.6 million mph) through a black hole. He ran at this rate for over 30 seconds to prevent being crushed by the immense gravity well. How fast can the Flash run? Although it is lower than the speed of light, 670.6 million mph is the top pace of the Flash in CW.


  • Who is the Flash? He is a super-fast fictional character in the American comic books created by DC Comics.
  • What is Flash's top speed? Wally West achieved a top speed of 13 trillion times faster than the speed of light.
  • What is Barry Allen's top speed? Barry Allen's top pace is Mach 874,031 (670.6 million mph), achieved when he beat the black hole.
  • How fast is Wally West? Wally West is the fastest superhero in the DC comics. He has a rate up to 13 trillion times the speed of light. At one point, he was faster than thought and could outrun death.
  • Is the speed of Flash faster than light? Yes, the Wally West version is faster than light, at a rate of 13 trillion times the speed of light.
  • Is the Flash as fast as Superman? He is actually faster than Superman, be it Barry, Wally or even Jay Garrick.
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    How fast is the Flash? The Flash is a fictional character in comic books, DCEU and CW TV series. In comics, Wally West can run 13 trillion times the speed of light. In DCEU, Barry Allen can run at Mach 27.5 (21,099.9 mph). In CW, the character can sprint Mach 874,031 (670.6 million mph). published an article about the strongest Avenger. The Avengers is a group of superheroes created by Marvel Comics. These fictional characters appear in comic books and movies on a mission to protect the planet from eternal attacks in the universe. Who is the strongest Avenger among them?

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