Big Brother 25 swimsuit photos released

Big Brother releases swimsuit photos of the cast each summer, and the BB25 swimsuit photos have been revealed. Its worth noting that many Big Brother fans believe an 18th houseguest is coming. But there arent 18 people in the group shot this season. This might be a hint that the BB25 cast is now complete.

Big Brother releases swimsuit photos of the cast each summer, and the BB25 swimsuit photos have been revealed.

It’s worth noting that many Big Brother fans believe an 18th houseguest is coming.

But there aren’t 18 people in the group shot this season. This might be a hint that the BB25 cast is now complete.

Cirie Fields might be the final addition to the BB25 group. The Survivor legend is working hard to make it deep into the season, and she is an asset to her son, Jared Fields.

Some Big Brother fans have already seen the BB25 cast in their bathing suits, as producers opened the backyard after they played the first Veto Competition.

And a new free option for the Big Brother live feeds is available this summer. It means fans don’t have to subscribe to Paramount+ to get access.

The Big Brother 25 swimsuit photos

The first swimsuit photo is a serious one, with the 17 members of the BB25 cast posing in the backyard.

In the second image, the Big Brother 25 cast is having fun in the backyard. Everyone is smiling as they begin an intense journey this summer.

Separate photos were also taken of the men and women grouped.

Below are the women posing for their photos. They all appear to be having fun – even the nominees for eviction.

And the men are shown below as they get excited during their photoshoot.

More news from Big Brother 25

Reilly Smedley became the first Head of Household for the summer.

It has been an exciting week for her, especially since she didn’t have to nominate anyone.

The four nominees were decided by the Day One challenges. Reilly then got to save two people from the block.

Will Jared and Cory return the favor to Reilly later this season? We will have to wait and see.

For readers who want to jump ahead, here are the veto results on BB25. The final nominees are set for eviction, and the Eviction Ceremony is expected to happen on August 10.

An updated BB25 episode schedule is available here, with a summer and fall packed with content on CBS primetime.

Past episodes of Big Brother 25 are available for streaming on Paramount+. The streaming service also has the Survivor seasons for Cirie Fields.

Big Brother 25 airs Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday on CBS.

