Best characters for Mailed Flower weapon in Genshin Impact

With the release of Genshin Impact version 3.5, players are excited to experience new updates, including the Windblume Festival, one of the most significant events in Mondstadt. The festival celebrates the arrival of spring, and users can participate in various activities and quests to win several exciting rewards.

With the release of Genshin Impact version 3.5, players are excited to experience new updates, including the Windblume Festival, one of the most significant events in Mondstadt. The festival celebrates the arrival of spring, and users can participate in various activities and quests to win several exciting rewards.

One of the most anticipated limited-time rewards from the Windblume Festival in Genshin Impact 3.5 is the Mailed Flower Claymore. This weapon is a powerful and beautiful claymore with a unique design, making it an ideal addition to any player's arsenal.

Depending on their build, the Mailed Flower can be used on several characters. The following section highlights some of the best ones to equip with the weapon.

Genshin Impact: Dehya and other best characters to Equip Mailed Flower

Players can obtain the Mailed Flower by finishing the objectives of Mondstadt's Windblume Festival. They can interact with Katheryne to begin the quest and continue to finish Act 1 of the story. Thereafter, the Events menu will be unlocked for travelers to participate.

The weapon can be obtained by clearing the first stage of the Floral Pursuit and can be suitable for several characters.

1) Dehya

Dehya was introduced during the Sumeru Archon quest (Image via HoYoverse)

Dehya is a Pyro Claymore character released as playable in the first phase of Genshin Impact 3.5. The Mailed Flower is an effective tool for Dehya as it is a weapon with an EM sub-stat and passive ability that can enhance the damage of all Pyro-related reactions, making it an ideal addition to a team composition focused on elemental reactions.

Several Dehya teams, based on Melt, Burn, and Burgeon, can benefit from this.

2) Diluc

Diluc is a Mondstadt-based character (Image via HoYoverse)

Diluc is another five-star Pyro Claymore character loved by most Genshin Impact fans. The Mailed Flower can be a good option for Diluc as it can effectively utilize both EM and ATK (Attack) stats, which are important for dealing elemental and physical damage, respectively. The Claymore provides an ATK buff of 24% on its maximum refinement.

Furthermore, the weapon is recommended for use in team compositions that rely on triggering certain elemental reactions, such as Vaporize, Melt, and Overload. These occur when two or more elements are combined in specific ways, resulting in additional damage or other effects. Using a weapon that enhances the damage of these reactions, Diluc can contribute to the team's overall effectiveness in combat.

3) Beidou

Beidou can counterattack with strong attacks (Image via HoYoverse)

Beidou is an excellent four-star Electro Claymore wielder in Genshin Impact who bases her attack on her strong Elemental Burst and countering Skill.

A highly beneficial option for enhancing Beidou's damage output, in general, would be the Mailed Flower, which is particularly suitable for team compositions that utilize electro-charged, overload, and Hyperbloom reactions.

4) Sayu

Sayu is an Anemo healer (Image via HoYoverse)

Sayu is a healer and an Anemo Claymore character in Genshin Impact who can base her Burst healing on her HP.

The Mailed Flower is a useful weapon option for enhancing Sayu's healing abilities. This can increase both Elemental Mastery and ATK stats, amplifying the amount of HP needed for Sayu's Burst ability.

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